expand/collapse this text box Select Language
All texts are offered in two languages. Titles and dialogue in all video clips are also translated.
In most pages (but not in this one), the language may be quickly switched by clicking the "L" button in the top right corner. Many content pages also have a bilingual view button.
expand/collapse this text box Select Toolbar Size
Our toolbar is the row of silver buttons above this box (eight buttons in various screens). They may be displayed with or without captions. You may select either option at any time. When captions are not displayed, hold the mouse over the button to see an explanation of its function. The smaller buttons are more convenient because the larger ones may occasionally obscure part of the long title of an exhibit. Your selection will apply only to the main window. Secondary windows use these two smaller buttons with letters in them: R-Я for "bilingual view," and L for "switch language."
expand/collapse this text box Video Format
An earlier version of this website required the user to select a video format to match his or her browser. In 2016 we started using the HTML5-compatible format, i.e. a combination of mp4 and webm files. Our video clips can be played in all modern browsers, including the mobile versions.